SPARC is pleased to announce our Caring Adult Awards is back! It's a project where adults are recognized for making a difference in the life of a child. We invite Red Deerians to participate by nominating an adult who has a positive impact in your child’s life. The purpose is to recognize asset builders and encourage asset building within our community. It takes a village to raise a child, and SPARC recognizes that positive relationships help kids grow up great. Let’s take a moment to acknowledge these asset builders – coaches, instructors, aunts/uncles, neighbours, teachers, etc.!
SPARC Red Deer hopes to brighten our community through this simple project!
Come and learn about the 40 Developmental Assets and how you can help your child grow up healthy, caring and responsible. Building assets in our kids also helps them avoid risky behaviours such as
tobacco, vaping, alcohol or other drug use.
Thank you to everyone who attended on February 12th. Stay tuned for another date coming soon.
SPARC Red Deer has partnered with the Move Your Mood program & the City of Red Deer to "Paint the Town Positive"! You can check out these fun interactive games at:
Lampard Crescent (trail in the center of the crescent)
Landry Bend (trail at Landry Bend and Landry Gate)
Video: One, Two, Four
Download: See below.
Sunflower Hopscotch in Capstone
Gift of Play Games (pdf)